Whispers, "Hello, I miss you quite terribly."
Date : Monday, July 19, 2010
Time : 5:01 PM

Sorry, but I'll be starting a new chapter of my life in another site.



Date : Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Time : 8:34 PM

I think i'm already satisfied with my life. Totally. I'm learning to appreciate and enjoy everyday to its fullest. Although some days may not be that great, I must be appreciative. How bad can your day be? Thinking about it, I really think that life's good.

Afterall, I've got the perfect family and amazing friends. The greatest support system from school to help me with my future. Oh, and 2 cutest pets. What more can I ask for?

Well, I may have lost a best friend. But I shouldn't be to hasty. It's her choice who she wants to have as friends, and I can't stop that. I guess i'm just not good enough. Afterall, it's her happiness that counts, no? Dear, I know you know who i'm referring to. I don't like playing these games anymore. I've tried talking, but nothing seems to work. I'm really starting to drift out of your life completely, into nothingness. But still, I want to thank you for all the awesome times we had together. I really appreciate it. Thanks so much for everything. Well, I wish you all the best for O Levels.

Going to KL on Thursday. Totally can't wait.

Trying to get us to spend more time with her so that she can be part of our life sooner or later. But no matter how late it is, won't it be too soon? After all, only one can be in my heart. I don't think I'll be able to accept that fact. :( Nobody can replace her.

Date : Monday, June 28, 2010
Time : 7:30 PM

Holidays were so awesome. Back to school. Everything's just so screwed up in school. The only things I look forward to are friends and training. I just want to hurry up with my mid years and everything and then start working. I've already planned put my whole life, so I don't know what I'm still doing. Can't wait for the internship programme to be exposed to different ideas and experience.

It's already happened, there's no stopping back.

Date : Sunday, June 13, 2010
Time : 4:32 PM

Hm. Holidays so far has been suuper fun :) despite all the bowling. Managed to go out and spend time with a lot of people :D kept going out, even went to some asiasoft thing. I remember last time I was super crazy over it. -.- but I guess since I stop audi, not really interested anymore. Tried the Audition Guitar hero version, like weird only. Haha. Went w kevin and Lucas, and met adri at iluma. Played jubeat~ went to bs to find kevin's gf, then went for dinner at Thai Express while he ate his girlfriend. He really loves her a lot -.- kept going to iluma nowadays, meet my friends there ESP since so many now toning there.

Went to the it fair too :) w b. k didn't go in the end. Didn't find anything interesting, he wanted to find a mouse. Too bad his hand too big. -.- met cravis dear twin at esplanade <3 grow so tall :( lucky I was wearing my heels, wasn't that short XD talked to him, watched him bboy, then afterwards left. Couldn't spend more time cause he had some crew meeting :( ate at some buffet place, endless supply of sashimi :) but they're super smart. The sashimi wasn't even cold and we got sick of it really quick. Had a lot of beef. Couldn't finish everything so I rolled the leftovers into tissue papers :) walked around, then went to his house for a while. After that went home and watched world cup :D

So many outings too, lazy to update. Now going out to amk, having dinner there too :)

Date : Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Time : 12:39 AM

Previous post deleted. I don't want to dirty my blog with foul words. So yup, I will just simply not bother about anything and live my own life. Heading to Bugis soon, gna meet few people. Afterwards going shoppinggg. Can't wait. I'm dead bored.

Di, get out of there real quick k. :( it won't be long, don't worry.

Date : Friday, June 4, 2010
Time : 10:14 PM

Okay it's been really log since I've last blogged. It's cause I don't use my laptop anymore. I don't know why, pretty much lazy I guess. I even stopped msn. So yeah, decided to use my phone to update of not it'll be really pathetic.

The holidays are finally here, I don't know whether to be happy or sad about it. Okay lah what am I thinking. Happy lah -.- anyway, pretty much a lot of stuff happened alr. Went out quite a few times, bought many many things. I totally love New Look, it's my fav now ok I alr spent $300+ so shut up. Sadly, clothes are never enough so I'm waiting forbmy dad to bring me and my sister to go shopping again sooon.

Eventhough it's the holidays, we were supposed to be studying so I met up w Ranen and we were supposed to be studying. Met Lucas before that and we broke up at JCOs so yeah obviously didn't have the mood to study when I met Ranen so we went to Iluma. Bought the most fattening yet delicious Double Dark Ice cream @ Marble Slab and we just sat down and talked. Wanted to play Jubeat, but there were already people queueing up so we just headed to City Hall to meet Gregory there. Damn it, I didn't know we would be walking so much and I just had to wear my most uncomfortable yet lovely heels. I was seriously dying omg. I forgot the place we went to eat, some Japanese buffet. It was really awesome, the first thing I saw when I went inside was a huge chocolate fountain! Yay I like :) not that much of a variety, but the food was really good. Especially the sashimi and crab :) buffet was $50, Ranen paid for my dinner. Haha, thanks so much :) Lucas then met me outside the restaurant and all of us walked to Maina Square cause Ranen was meeting his juniors. They left and I sat down at marina square with Lucas cause he wanted to talk. It was late, and we took a cab home (and omg I fainted for the second time alr, inside the cab) went home, Kevin helped us out. Thanks :)

Oh, there actually IS training as per normal! I found out from Keith, when he said 'Aunty Cat's gonna screw you' cause I didn't attend training for 3 days. -.- haha, damn loser sigh. But seriously, nobody told me anything and my dad didn't check his mail too, so what did they expect me to do -.- nvm wtv. Bowling u18 soon. Starts next week I think. :)

I've been having this addiction to Jubeat lately, ever since my brother taught me how to play. He bought fore the e-amusement card, and I'm already S3 :D (okay I know it's still noob but cut me some slack, I just started) Jubeat's awesome. Screw those who say it's a stupid game, it's just cause you guys don't even know how to play which sucks so too bad for you idiots. I'm so gonna start spamming Jubeat this holiday. :)

Just came back from Bugis again, was playing with a certain someone. Unfortunately, that certain someone pissed me off damn badly that I just walked away without saying anything. (except for the 'f you la') 2nd time I've walked away from that person, idk why I still bother trying. Why don't you tell me.

Finally gonna have gym tomorrow, it so sucks not trainig at all for a few days. I'll feel like shit and really fat and weak when I don't work out. I wonder how all those people who never exercise tahan sia. Power.

Date : Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Time : 1:57 PM

Irritated. At. All. Of. You.

Date : Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Time : 3:24 PM

LOL @ http://www.borntobeyourtaoeh.blogspot.com/

I love this blog TTM! <3

Date :
Time : 3:01 PM

I hate it when everything you type out just gets accidentally erased. FML.

Anyway, really lazy to type everything out again. So far what I did over the weeks were so so, nothing interesting. Went out a lot of times, shopping and staying over at bb's house. went bowling w kevin too, used house ball and now i have a blister :( sobs.

asg training started, and i already have a few problems i need to work on. :( chose not to bowl (i feel sad enough) so that i can work on my physical game. but now i dun think coach liked my decision cause it wasn't a good enough reason not to bowl SO. :( make me more sad. OHHH, coachie's finally back from his op :) glad everything went well for him. went high when i saw him in the centre lol. irritated layteng and daphne and ph a lot, haha sorry. training's now so difficult, even coach jimmy's struggling w me :( it just really sucks sometimes, the fact that you understand the theory but it's near impossible for you to execute that perfect shot. Blaah. but nvm it's just one training session, still have a long way to go.

had my english paper yesterday, it was okay. not easy, not hard either. just that i screwed up my format for english informal. London Boarding School HAHAHAHA. wanted to change, but that teacher was waiting for me to finish binding my paper. I was just trying to stall time so that he'd go away and then i can change the address. But he didn't get lost. -.- so 2 marks gone, sob. no more A1 :( haha nvm at least i have my essay and compre. :)

roll off for excellence trip on friday. 1 ball, most aggressive. how? bb excellence trip. it was nice thinking i could go for a while.

my life is getting so boring. come on, where's the excitement.

ben, kev, dan, nick, jia and the rest going attica saturday night. dk whether i should go. :(

sst soon. blah.

Date : Monday, May 3, 2010
Time : 8:55 PM

It was quite a good week. Despite miscommunications here and there, nontheless, a good week.

Had the SSS int u18 opulent roll off on Friday, lasted till 10 pm gosh. Had dinner halfway, saw my nu er. Glad that we managed to talk for a while. The oiling was like, wtf man. Total extreme. 33 ft and 44 ft i think? North pole and South pole. -_- Bowled a 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23. Not bad at least slowly improve :D Overall got 2nd, made it to the competition. Yay me. Still deciding whether I should bowl or not. But since I manage to get in, wtv then :3

sat was the 1st. so yes, heppy 16th monthsary. was supposed to go out but some cocked up things happened. all my sacrificing and cancelling and postponing and convincing went down the drain. reason? he was playing pool. -'- okay whatever. got pissed with myself and all, afterwards went to bugis. played the arcade, adri taught me how to play jubeat again. hoho, i'm getting better now like woohoo. i want his amusement card so i can play more songs damnit.

there's this coffee shop that he told me about and told me to try. cause the service was like, super imba. so i went to try. didn't really believe what he said. so okay, he ordered some wan ton noodle and i had fishball noodle w green tea. I SWEAR, less than what, 50 seconds, our food arrived. i was like, whaat? damn shocked hahahah. adri just laughed at me cause he saw my amazed face. -_- so our dinner lasted no more than 5 mins. Lol. But the food was nice and cheap so it was really worth it :D walked around, went to iluma. (adri sprained his ankle so he was like hopping around so it was kinda funny lol) didn't get to see his friend. so in the end we just played taiko and left. Thanks Adri for not letting me rot at home cause of SOMEONE.

Next day, went out w bb and kevin. supposed to watch iron man 2 but bb wanted to look at his furniture -.- so yeah okay. went to eunos, waited for kevin then cabbed to bb's house, picked him up, then went to ikea. saw lots of nice furniture, the designs are awesome. too bad ikea sucks. so anyway walked around, kevin was helping with some conflict, it was really retarded cause he sent the wrong message to me and that really made me have a good laugh :D it was funny.

after eating and all, (and throwing crushed tissue papers to bb) took the shuttle bus to tampines. i didn't know it was a shuttle bus and i went to tap my ez link and the thing was like, beeping non stop. i kinda panicked cause i thought my card didn't work and i wouldn't be able to get on the bus. kevin and bb laughed at me. -.- embarassing much. sorry la ppl noob, never take shuttle bus before. :( went to t1 and headed for the arcade. showed kevin how to play djmax technika, he got addicted to the game. seriously lol-ed. showed him how i play piu 5 button, then afterwards played djmax all the way w bb. they kept failing, lol~ it felt like an oven in the ardace, plus my make up, so i couldn't stand it. went to the toilet and washed up and stuck my face near the hand dryer so that there'll be wind in my face. damn shiok, smart right :D

headed off, had another conflict w bb again cause he was afraid something would happen to me and he would lose me, but after a while everything settled. thanks to me counsellor. :) went to cheers, kevin called cause i forgot to pass him his psp. he went to kembangan and then both were sweet enough to walk me home (although i didn't want bb to walk me home -.-) it was still kinda early, so we sat down at some table behind my house and talked. after that, went back home and showered. spent time with my family, really really love them. papa's leaving for manchester on wed. wont see him next week, sad. :(

he called me, pretty much in a way settled things with him. but still he want to be that way so whatever. so after that bb called me and then talked for a while. was crying, eyes were really heavy so i had to put down the phone really early. :( sorry bb. just couldn't believe why he had to drag my mum in our conversation.

anywho, today went out to parkway w papa, then met shadow and aero daddy there! was so unexpected omg. since shadow looked kinda decent and faked that we were schoolmates and all and were looking for some present for our friend, papa let me go out with them for a while. Lol ~ i was really so so happy to meet them. so were they :) hugged each other, then went to talk about how things have been lately. asked them why so long didn't contact, didn't know that aero got sent to boys home and shadow now on probation. :( damn sad lah. asked them what happened, they say that other people come find problem with them. scolded them cause they didn't tell me anything about it, but they purposely never say anything cause they don't want me to get involved if not i will also get into trouble. :( hais. you guys are my 2nd family le, no matter what i must always be there for you so don't hide things from me anymore. really pains me :(

afterwards went back home cause papa cooked, healthy ^^ then changed straight went to dg to meet phelycia. continued our way to causeway. had a nice talk, it's really nice to talk to her cause she gives her opinions and thoughts without being biased and all. oh, and also cause she has a weird sense of humour. hahaa. okaay, went to causeway, she bought bubble tea while i bought soya bean (CAUSE BUBBLE TEA IS ONLY GLUCOSE + SUGAR + WATER, RMB THAT PHELYCIA!!) went down and bought sushi! her mum was at some gym so she had to go off :( took a bus to school, i swear i thought i got lost. i'll never alight at that stop again. reached school, and here i am.

kim told me that she and meliana's gonna go for obs the whole week. mandy and huiwen doesn't stay in boarding. so means guess what. i'll be stuck in my room alone with carina. she doesn't like to sleep early. someone save me. i don't want to die at such a young age.


mother's day is round the corner. it's sad to see advertisements and posters and people talking about what they should do for their mum. it's sad that i can't do anything for her anymore. yeah, people can tell me that i should do well in my life, my mum will always be watching me etc but i don't feel that way. i really feel as though i've lost everything about her, only memories. maybe cause i don't believe in that, maybe cause i'm too used to having her around me. whatever it is, i'm really sad. but well, at least i still have my dad and my sis and my bro who will always be there supporting me.

My cousins and all are gonna celebrate mother's day at my place. i really wonder what i'll be doing while every one else is hugging their mum and saying "happy mother's day, i love you."

Date : Saturday, May 1, 2010
Time : 5:48 PM

Trying to forget a person you love is just like trying to remember a person you don't even know.

Date :
Time : 4:25 PM

I need to stop being like this. I really hate it. But I guess maybe things just can't go the way you want it to be.


Went out with Charisse & dear to parkway. took a cab there. me and dear split cost. afterwards went to the arcade a while, played piu with dear cause he really needs to exercise -.- but he plays damn funny, cannot tahan. so then went to banquet, ate chen tung (or whatever that is) then went for my gym session leaving both of them alone. since napha was over, he went to teach me muay thai. it was really good cause it required a lot of movements. was really tiring omg. i went to do a side kick and then my nail got kinda bent and now there's a stupid blood clot. -_-

met up with them again then headed off to suntec. it was late already by the time we got there. had dinner @ sakae sushi again. cause i wanted to eat their udon. i was so so stupid oh man i can't believe how stupid i was. i went all the way to sakae, we took so long to find the place. then afterwards i thought to myself, yay finally can eat udon. then when the waitress came, i said "i want beef ramen." -_- _l_ wtf right, hais whatever. had really a lot of fun there, kept laughing (although i was quite irritated w dear cause he kept being damn gl) we stayed there for quite a while, it was really late by the time we left. paid for charisse's buffet. afterwards just walked around, then charisse left. sent her off to the mrt, then we went back to dear's house. stayed over.

i guess by reading this post you can tell i'm still not in a good mood yet. well, hopefully things will change. anyway i'm irritated with today, again.

what's up with the world man.

Date : Thursday, April 29, 2010
Time : 6:44 PM

Life's getting duller and duller each day..
I really didn't think that you'd be that selfish.
I didn't think you could be that mean to me.
It's okay I guess if you want to hurt me like that,
as long as you're happy doing so.
If there's no other choice, then I'll just bear with it.
I'm still trying to befriend you again, but maybe it's impossible cause you're being too selfish.
Whatever the matter, you got me a trip to hell these days.
Thanks so much, I didn't think anyone could ever do that to me.


I'm full of tears right now, after what Lay Teng had said to me. This is just too much to handle.

I'll post what I did w Charisse and bbdear when we went out.

But for now, I need to let go of my emotions.

Date : Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Time : 6:55 PM

I'm so irritated and pissed and depressed now. Yes, what else, with that guy againobviously. I've really had enough. I break down so many times because of that idiot, and I feel so stupid for doing such a stupid thing for him.

to you, darius.

i'm not trying to flame you or any sort. i just need bloody answers from you. what the hell did i do to deserve this bloody treatment? just cause i didn't want to accept you to be my boyfriend, you want to try force me instead? threaten me with your own life etc. i already say, i don't want to be with you but we can still be good friends. But no, you don't bloody want to. Just cause you're so selfish that you don't want to be my friend just cause i'm not with you. What the hell is that? That's just a damn idiotic excuse. If you really cared about me, you wouldn't do all these things. i really wonder whether everything you said to me were just lies, cause you don't even treasure the friendship you had with me. i cared so bloody deeply about you cause you were that special friend whom i always loved, but i just cant get the same response in return.

All your lies and empty threats and excuses all boils down to this. You're insincere, fake and don't goddamn care about me. You only think about yourself ok? Yes I think so, because if you really cared, you wouldn't have left me just like this. You tell me to forget you, but that's just an excuse cause YOU'RE the one who wants to forget me. Don't think people don't tell me what you say. so then you just hurt me so much to a point that i can never forget about you, and here you are having the time of your life, especially when i'm not around. so you can't bloody say that you're just putting on a bloody act. yeah, and so you leave me feeling like this, unable to do anything. how selfish can you get.

you bloody hell know that i don't want to bloody forget about you and i don't want you to forget me because i still bloody hell care for you cause you were the greatest guy friend i could ever ask for. you were always there for me when i needed you and i always wanted to help you in any way. i want to be your friend and be there for you cause you're still an important part of my life. it's just too bad you only think about yourself, just cause i don't want to be with you. it's such a pity. you actually were a great person. in fact, you were someone really special. i hope you bloody think what you've done. i don't bloody deserve this. you don't know how much pain you've given me, darius. i know i have made you feel upset too, but what you're doing now is just too much. now's not the time for revenge.

i hope that got into your bloody big head.


gosh i'm so pissed off i want to cry again.

Date : Thursday, April 22, 2010
Time : 9:50 PM

I've been thinking. Eventhough I sometimes don't really like my dad cause of the way he thinks and does things, I'll always love him and show him that I love him no matter what. Eventhough things can't go my way, I'm blessed to have him as my dad. Love you papa ~ I never realised how much I truly cared for you.

So anyway, today started off a bit badly. There were some conflicts, and I was almost late for assembly. Had Physics test, and wtf it was like so hard like -'- Quiz full marks, Test fail. Nice one Dyana. -_- hais, I hope Ms Phua wont scream at me. Mother tongue was boring, just did some letter writing. I continued to feel down cause my teacher said that it was a waste that I dropped to mt 'b', I should have just continued. All the hard work wasted. Hais, but never mind what's done is done. Just hope that I can pass and overall have a score of < 20. If not, bye bye scholarship. Currently on conditional offer, I really hope I can make it.

Roughly half of the school then went to yishun or somewhere to support the netball girls, c and b division. They played well, no matter what the score, I could see that they tried their very best and so I felt really happy cause my shouting and painful throat really paid off.

I think today's like, really vast contrast compared to yesterday. Yesterday was fun and happy without any worries, but once I'm back in school, I start to feel down again. I guess it's just those particular people who really make me feel sad and hopeless. As for him, Ranen gave me a really good advice so I hope it'll work. Obviously I wont be able to forget cause he hurt me too much, but these kind of things take time I guess.

I haven't been bowling in a while, due to tuition, zz. I really miss training. I need to work on so many things. The last time I trained was I think this tuesday, and I was so demoralised because during the whole 2 hour session, I only managed to excecute 3 good shots. As Coach Jimmy said, I just need to be really patient. Hais, now I really feel stupid. But it's okay cause I'm still going to continue trying.

B & C div victory dinner is tomorrow @ Pizza Hut. Wont be joining them cause I've dental appointment, then tuition afterwards. I was thinking of changing my tuition time but I guess it's not worth it cause I don't want to eat unhealthy food. Come on man, I'm not going to eat fats when next week's napha. Am I being too selfish? I guess. But papa is going to cook for me some damn healthy laksa-pasta with salad, so yup I should just eat at home cause I love my dad.

I'm not going to eat any really unhealthy food already, I'll see how diciplined I am. That stupid mee pok was my last, eventhough it wasn't nice -_- but heck, I'm going to go healthy. No Macs no mee pok no Pizza Hut nothing. I'm going to eat Chasoba and Sushi and Papa's healthy cooking and vegetables and everything. Come on I need to change for the better, I can already see my 4 pacs! I'll try to keep my body and stomach as a motivation to make me eat better. Don't get me wrong though, I'm NOT trying to lose weight, nowhere near there. (I alr think I'm too skinny it's disgusting) I just want to be really healthy like papa and set a good example so that I'll be able to get my future job.

All talk no action means nothing though, so i'll see how it goes!

*Baby dear, I hope you are ok. Remember to give her time and keep your cool k? Shouting wont solve anything. As I've said, the one who manages to keep his cool the longest will eventually be able to take control of the whole situation. I love you, hope everything goes out well for you. I'm always here for you, rain or shine, school or not. Take care.

Date : Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Time : 10:23 PM

Okay,I'm like totally guilty, again. Supposed to post about what I did but I totally forgot what happened so yeah whatever. Oops.

Anyway, I'm really happy to get to spend so much time with baby dear again! :) Went shopping with him, first w his friend Shawn @ Somerset. Really walked a lot till I was like pancet bleh.

I also went out with Phelycia dear too! Same place, with my same dear again :) Walked around, had fun esp with her :) Went to Cine and took photos, really cute ones. Went shopping and tried on a lot of dresses, so nice lah! But idk why I didn't buy them. Stupid dear. Everytime say try only then next time buy, in the end also never buy anything in the future. :( MAke me sad only. OMG. We went to Fred Perry and I tried on this super really damn chio polo tee, the material everything was perfect. But the price also. Who want to buy for me a $169 shirt haa.

My baby dear bought me a top from some sport shop, really cute can also be a short dress :) so happy lah, someone say no money still can buy for me $80+ dress/top. It was a surprise, even Phelycia didn't tell me :( love die him :*

Oh yeah, Physics test is tomorrow. Somewhat scared, though my quiz full marks HEE ^^v

Went Eunos w baby dear to look for Kevin, then after that went to eat at some coffee shop. I feel so sinful I ate half a bowl of mee pok T.T I can feel it in my stomach still. Hais. Oh, at least I was good enough to eat soba noodles just now :D me and dear went to cook on our own, and it was successful! (eventhough there were like, burnt noodles but aiya who cares)

Eventhough there's like someone who constantly makes me sad, my baby dear is always there for me to make me feel the opposite way :D same goes to phelycia dear!

My dear really no life, go blow dry my hair when I myself never do that. Going to watch movieee :D

Please let it be a good week all the way ~

Date : Sunday, April 11, 2010
Time : 10:25 PM

I'll be posting what I've done this week tomorrow. Was busy the whole way.

But for now, I need some space. I'm overloaded with emotions and I don't know what to do.
I'm really unhappy now.

Date : Saturday, April 10, 2010
Time : 8:24 PM

I really think that I'm such a good girlfriend. Bobo should be really happy and proud of me.


*As good as I am, I'm not going to tell you my password.

Date : Thursday, April 8, 2010
Time : 10:25 PM

Out with Bobo, Darius, Huiwen, Mr Royston & gang, Ranen & Gregory, nu er, charmaine's bday.


Which should I choose? I only have 2maximum 10 hours to go out..

Nice one.

In the end, I went out with my one and only. :)

Date : Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Time : 8:17 PM

Today was in a way awesome? Cause training was sooo much better compared to the previous days. Coach didn't really seem so angry today, which is a good thing! ^^~

Felt really stupid though cause when I was bowling, my ball got stuck and I almost flew onto the lanes. To prevent myself from falling, I swung my ball up and instead it landed on my head. PAINFUL laah T.T My head was like throbbing. But after a while it became better. I felt more stupid and paiseh. -_- but not as bad as Esther. fell face flat on the lanes OMG hahahahaaaaa.

Today in school was so tiring oh man. Kept wanting to fall asleep. Looking at Ryan's and Huiwen's face made me want to sleep even more. But managed to pull through hohoho. So proud of myself for staying awake.

I want to go out!! :( so many people to go out with. Bobo Cravis Phelycia Huiwen Justin Alex PandaRyann, Darius, Apple & gans. OMG I want my freedommm :( papa just needs the affirmation that i'll be just fine. blehhhh.

I begged my dad to let me join Muay Thai HAHAHAHA. He told me that he'll consider once I give him background about it. And I did. So he's considering now LOL. Wish me luck! Haaaiyaah!

Date : Monday, April 5, 2010
Time : 10:17 PM

You better enjoy your last year being a teenager. You're getting waaay too old already. Anyway, I really hope you like your gift. Although I couldn't get for you your cheesecake :( But still I hope that the thought counts! Since you had to make me wait for you for 40 restless minutes.. Haa, it was worth it.
I'm really sorry I can't be with you during your actual birthday, since I'm in school :( if not i'd really try my best to be with you. But no worries, since at least you get to hang out and have time with your friends. That's more important. :) As long as you're happy, everything's fine. Thanks for being able to tahan my shit all these while (i think i've said this many times) but really, not everyone can tahan my shit like seriously. "Fated" ma, hahaha. It's really so fun and easy and relaxing going out with you :) I love every single moment. Sort of. Well, the good times lah.
I've 3 minutes left to wrap up everything before the internet switches off. So yes, I really want you to have an awesome day, go out there and have fun as though it's your last day on earth (but obviously don't let it be your last if not i'll be really sad) call me if there's anything. I'll always be there for you.
Still showering you with lots of hugs, kisses and much much more,
Bubu. :)

Date : Saturday, April 3, 2010
Time : 11:21 PM

It feels so good after being able to play PIU again. Though I really suck at it now after not playing it for idk how long.

Finished my SSP-RP-DSLM Scholarship interview. Guess it went alright, since Mdm Chan, Mr Mak and Ms Peggy were like smiling and nodding. So now I'm currently awaiting results for the scholarship as well as the Asian School Games. But srsly still can't get over ASG roll off. Highest game 289 lowest game 158 -_- okay forget it.

Phelycia's upset with me now. I think she despises me cause I didn't talk to her? And also cause I usually go with Hui Wen too. Hm. She keeps bitching about me in her blog and making false accusations, trying to make more people hate me. Don't know if that'll work cause whatever she's saying is kinda contradicting herself too.
She hates the way I treat her cause I ignore her but that's exactly the same way she's treating me too. And now she hates me eve more just cause I don't really want to fully accept her apology. And, I just added fuel to the fire by commenting on her blog saying,

"My dear, I’m still waiting for your answer how you can actually prove that I was faking the incident.
After all, my hands were cold and clammy, (due to insufficient blood flow to my brains) and my sugar level was low after checking with the instrument. There’s also a certified doctor to prove that I did knock out, as I’ve mentioned. Now, what about you?
Or is it just because you despise me which is why you think of all these excuses to make more people hate me?
Think twice before you say anything fake, ex-bestie. After all,
" if you don’t know shit, don’t talk shit and don’t think shit. ”
Hm, she'll definitely be spitting fireballs at me now and wish that I'm some friendless freak with nobody caring about me. Ah well. My friendship was good while it lasted. I just wish she'll stop all her empty accusations and assumptions. But it's ok as long as she gets to do what she wants I guess. :)
Had a really awesome time with nu er on 0204. :) Went to Bugis and ate @ Sakae Sushi :D

Went to shop for her wallets and my earrings, then afterwards slack at Bugis Junction. Walked around and talked, then afterwards went to the arcade.
Played Jubeat! I suck so bad hahaha. And the new Bishi Bashi ^^ Lucas suddenly appeared behind me, was so shocked at first. Really didn't know he would be coming since I never told him to come find me. His friend Kevin was also there. Then I didn't care about him for the time being cause I was still playing my game.
Afterwards we introduced ourselves, poor nu er didn't really like Lucas so we went to walk ourselves first. Bought 2 daamn cute dress-like shirt! So happy ~ wanted to buy the pink checkered one but it only had a large left :( sobbies.
Nu er and me then went to take neoprints! So fun hahha. I haven't taken them in like, a suuuper long time. Standard, walk in confirm full with ahlians. So we were like, ahlians for the time being ^^v
Went all the way down and waited for nu er's dad to come, said hello and then sent her off :) Then went to find Lucas and Kevin at Starbucks and then did some window shopping @ Metro. (smelly smelly)
Headed off to Orchard, walked from Taka to idk where to Ion again. Went to Uniqlo, bought 2 3.4 jeans. Thanks so much for the gift :) if i think that is a gift, lol. Then went to Zara, had so much fun there. Tried on some crazy strappy 10inch(lol) heels, cramp like crazy -.- bought a top there, Lucas paid again. We made an agreement: He would pay provided I wear that when going out with him. Weird agreement, but err okay.
Felt really bad cause I had money to spend but instead he went to buy things for me :( afterwards just walked around, talked, then my papa called and told me to come home. :( Lucas offered me a cab home, then Kevin went back first cause anyway he'll be meeting Lucas much later. Took a cab with Lucas then went back home. :)
Overall a suuper fun day, love die you guys so muchie! x3

Date : Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Time : 7:17 PM

Okay I know this post is like damn delayed but I saved it and forgot to post it. So yeah, stupid right.


So far I've been quite satisfied with myself. Nationals was a good experience. Lots of ups and downs. I bowled my best, so there's no regrets. Well, except for the 1st round of team even because I already sort of gave up halfway. Definitely a competition I'll remember for life.

1st for all events, 2nd for doubles, high game (290). Not bad at all considering my bowling which usually wont get me anywhere. Was really happy that I managed to win the all events, but my heart was really aching that time. First ever major competition that I've done so well, and mummy couldn't be there to see me.
I can't go back home to show her my trophies, I can't see her delighted look on her face, I can't hear her telling me how proud she is of me. No more of all those things. I'm sure she would have been really happy.

Anyway, papa said that if I got a gold for all events, he'd buy me a new phone. So yeah, new phone, yay me. It's about time, since my phone is currently screwed with it's annoying 'eclipse'. Yes those who saw my phone, I'm referring to that annoying black 'dot'. I still like it though, see how I guess.

Bowling NAG next week, U18 and U21. Oh man, my thumb is so going to die.


Life so far’s been pretty neutral. Not too bad, not too good either. The scholarship interview’s tomorrow, hope I can get it. Asian Schools too. 3rd dropped to 6th. Haa, never mind it was a good experience. At least I won’t feel so bad cause I was bowling with those imba crazy bowlers. So yeah, it’ll be an advantage if I can get it but never mind If I can’t. maybe next time. Studies are such a bore. Nobody like’s to study. I guess being at the top is not whether you want to study or you can. I guess it all really boils down to how disciplined you are at your work. Geez, I’ve a lot to learn. Come on Dyana, you can do it.

Date : Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Time : 10:16 PM

I've deleted all my previous posts. It's time to move forward and start a new beginning.
Life's out there waiting for me.


Currently 1st for all events. Will definitely drop to maybe 5th place. See how it goes. I don't really care anymore. I've been thinking too much about my performance I guess I just can't take it anymore.

I'll see whether I still have the mood to bowl. But for the sake of the team, I can't be selfish and let my teammates down. I will still give my 101% in every single shot I make. Hopefully I'll do everyone proud including myself.

Currently on the down side since I bowled really badly. Too much expectations, sigh. Really really down. Just felt that I couldn't even do something so simple for my mum. I just want to do well to show her that I'm not hopeless. I mean something at least. I just want her to be proud of me.

So, for the sake of mummy, I can't give up. No, I wont. I'm going to fire up tomorrow.

I promise.

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  • Hello!
    You are @
    Remember, always smile! <3

    Oh, and since you are a reader of my blog, please respect my privacy by not giving out information from here/or even giving out my own blog site to others WITHOUT my permission. Failing which, I'd get really pissed off and if you deserve it I shall get revenge and so you might want to look out for any pole that might shove in your !@#% ass. Tyvvvm! <3

  • Dyana

  • Don't judge, don't assume. You think you know me because of what other people say. Well, you're not me, so you don't know me.
    Don't try to be smart and think you know, that's just stupid. No, wait. You're just stupid.

    Be yourself. That's all that matters.
    ♥ 010109.

  • Darlings

  • Arranged according to Alphabets.
    I only love you guys and no one else. you guys are the one whom i can trust, cry, laugh, spend my life with. love die you.

    ♥ Alex - Kor
    ♥ Aero - Daddy
    ♥ Charisse - Bestie
    ♥ Cravis - Hot sex twin
    ♥ Devil - Nuer
    ♥ Doll - Nuer
    ♥ Germaine - Mummy
    ♥ Kiiba - Bestie
    ♥ Lucas - Dear
    ♥ Phelycia - Bestie
    ♥ Shadow - Kor
    ♥ Xiaohuii - Meimei

    ♥ Apple Online
    ♥ -DNA- / Soloist
    ♥ Family, Brothers, Sisters.

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